Youth Home Inc TRICARE East & West Residential Program for Children Ages 12-17  with Mental Illness

Nurturing Connections

When caring for a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), engaging in activities that promote healthy family relationships, playing a vital role in strengthening the parent-child bond in particular through the opportunity for shared experiences, emotional connection, and the development of trust. This page is for any parent looking for fresh ideas for how to connect with their child, and tips on how to help it be successful more often.

  • Board games: Choose age-appropriate board games that encourage cooperation, turn-taking, and social interaction.

  • Arts and crafts: Engage in creative projects together, such as painting, drawing, or crafting, to stimulate imagination and self-expression.

  • Pretend play: Encourage imaginative play scenarios where the child can express themselves and explore different roles and emotions.

Spending time outdoors provides an opportunity for physical activity, exploration, and shared experiences. Try these outdoor activities:

  • Nature walks or hikes: Explore local parks, nature trails, or botanical gardens, allowing the child to connect with the natural world.

  • Picnics: Pack a picnic and enjoy a meal together in a park or by a lake, providing a relaxed and enjoyable setting for bonding.

  • Gardening: Engage in gardening activities, allowing the child to experience the satisfaction of nurturing and watching plants grow.

Preparing meals together can be a fun and engaging activity that promotes teamwork and communication. Consider these ideas:

  • Pizza night: Allow the child to participate in preparing pizza dough, choosing toppings, and assembling their own personalized pizza.

  • Baking: Bake cookies, cakes, or bread together, emphasizing the joy of creating something delicious as a family.

  • Theme nights: Plan themed cooking nights, such as Mexican, Italian, or Asian cuisine, and involve the child in selecting recipes and assisting with meal preparation.

Movie nights provide an opportunity for relaxation, shared entertainment, and quality time together. Make it more interactive:

  • Let the child choose the movie: Allow them to take turns selecting movies that interest them, ensuring they feel included and valued.

  • Discuss the movie: After watching the film, engage in meaningful conversations about the characters, plot, and underlying messages, encouraging the child to express their thoughts and feelings.

Engaging in volunteer work as a family not only helps others but also promotes empathy and a sense of purpose. Consider the following options:

  • Community service projects: Participate in local initiatives, such as food drives, toy collections, or park clean-ups, where the child can witness the impact of their actions.

  • Animal shelters: Volunteer at an animal shelter, assisting with pet care activities or organizing adoption events, providing an opportunity to nurture compassion and responsibility.

Engaging activities don't have to be hard, but can create meaningful opportunities for families to connect, strengthen bonds, and support the healing journey of children with Reactive Attachment Disorder. With intentionality, you can build lasting memories together. Remember to tailor activities to the child's interests and abilities, providing a safe and supportive environment for exploration, emotional expression, and connection.

Planning for Success Connection

When caring for a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), it's important to approach the planning of fun activities with sensitivity and understanding. While the child may struggle with attachment and display frequent temper tantrums, engaging in enjoyable activities can still have several benefits. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

List of Services

Remember, the primary goal of engaging in activities is not solely focused on attachment but also on creating positive experiences and promoting the overall well-being of the child. By approaching activities with empathy, understanding, and realistic expectations, you can provide opportunities for potential breakthroughs in the parent-child relationship.

Residential Treatment Specializing in RAD Therapy

If you've tried many of these things to no avail, are feeling unsafe in the home, or like outpatient therapy is just not meeting the needs of your child - we understand. There is not quick fix for Reactive Attachment, and we know from years of experience that this disorder in particular is really hard on parents.

Youth Home's RAD treatment program is TRICARE® In Network, and was designed with your child in mind, and focuses on social skills, empathy, regular game play, healthy interactions, education and community contribution. If you think you're child could benefit from a more intensive/longterm treatment program, we hope to be a tool for you.

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Our mission is to equip and empower youth, adults, and families to become healthier and contributing members of the community by providing compassionate psychiatric and behavioral health care.

08 May, 2024
We're raising support for our kids to have a jam-packed and fun-filled summer! Our rec team is already working hard to prepare. Last summer, our kids had multiple outings each week, and enjoyed everything from art shows to ice skating, firework shows to bounce castles, museums, competitions, and more. So THIS year, we want to do all of that and more - with your support! Introducing.... Every Child Counts 2024 Help us raise the money for our kids to have their best summer yet. 100% of funds raised will go to the summer programming for our residential kiddos, including outings, trips, games, projects, and more! Healing happens in the context of relationships , and shared experiences are one of the best ways to build those. Feeling Competitive?? Raise $25 or more to get a Youth Home keychain. Raise $100 or more to get a Youth Home keychain and fanny pack. Raise $250 or more to get a Youth Home keychain, fanny pack, AND t-shirt! Donate now or set up your own campaign at: https://secure. givelively .org
22 Apr, 2024
After 32 years of incredible service with Youth Home, we want to honor the accomplishments and leadership of our dearly beloved CEO, David Napier.
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